Exploration botanique Foresta – Récit # 1, la forêt de chênes

feuilles marcescentes du Chêne blanc

Débutées en 2016, les explorations botaniques sont des balades qui invitent à faire ensemble l’inventaire de la flore de Foresta, vaste espace autour des grandes lettres de Marseille. Les explorations botaniques sont une proposition du collectif Safi et d’Espigaou dans le cadre de Foresta, un projet porté par Yes We Camp en collaboration avec Hotel du Nord.

La petite forêt qui a résisté au chamboulement de Foresta nous intéressait depuis longtemps…


En grimpant un peu dans la colline, sous la maison rose, une forêt de chênes pubescents se cache parmi les pins d’Alep. ILs ont peut-être cinquante ans ou plus, ce sont des arbres relativement rares à Marseille, car le chêne pubescent se développe généralement sur des sols riches, profonds et frais, ce qui n’est pas vraiment le cas de cette ancienne carrière d’argile qu’est Foresta.

Alors comment ces arbres sont-ils arrivés là ? Que nous racontent-ils ? Quelle flore hébergent-ils ? La forêt est-elle en évolution, stable ou en régression ? Voilà l’objet de cette exploration du 9 février 2019, la première de l’année.

la forêt ancienne de Foresta


Foresta a été modelé par les activités qui l’ont traversé : forêt domaniale, carrière d’argile des tuileries, zone de remblais de Grand Littoral…Malgré toutes ces transformations, la forêt de chênes est visible sur toutes les images d’archives de Géoportail depuis les années ciqnante. Une persistance peut-être due à sa situation.

Peu accessible et difficile à voir depuis le chemin, elle est située à l’aplomb d’un énorme bloc rocheux et s’étend le long d’une pente raide. Elle recueille ainsi les eaux de pluie et bénéficie peut-être des eaux souterraines de Foresta. C’est certainement ce qui a favorisé l’installation de ces chênes qui, bien que méditerranéens, aiment la fraîcheur.


Quercus pubescens signifie chêne à poils courts et mous, en référence à la face interne des feuilles et des jeunes rameaux. Ces poils piègent la rosée et maintiennent un environnement humide. Son aire de répartition est assez étendue. En se déplaçant au nord, il peut être soumis à des températures négatives qui feraient geler l’eau de ses cellules, aussi ce chêne a également une stratégie pour s’adapter au froid : à l’automne, ses feuilles sèchent sur l’arbre, et ne tomberont au sol qu’à la repousse des suivantes, on dit qu’elles sont marcescentes.

Perdre ses feuilles n’est pourtant pas une stratégie fréquente en Méditerranée. Pensez au Pin, à l’Olivier, au Chêne vert, ses voisins ici, qui gardent leurs feuilles tout l’hiver. Les températures hivernales étant peu intenses, ils ne gèlent pas. Pour ces arbres, il est donc préférable de garder leurs feuilles protégées de poils ou d’une couche de cire, plutôt que d’engager une dépense énergétique au printemps pour en fabriquer de nouvelles.

Filaire à feuilles étroites


Le tapis de feuilles à nos pieds abrite de nombreux insectes et des mycéliums de champignons. Ils participent à transformer cette litière en humus riche et fertile. Une poignée de terre prélevée sur le chemin est sans appel sur le travail effectué par ces organismes. prélevée dans les pentes, la terre est ocre rouge quand celle au pied des chênes est d’un brun foncé.

Les glands, fruits du chêne pubescents, attirent et nourrissent de nombreux animaux dont les Geais des chênes, qui par leur comportement de thésaurisation contribuent très activement à la dissémination des glands.

Dans notre forêt, les chênes pubescents sont associés aux chênes verts. Lorsqu’ils sont réunis, ces deux arbres indiquent l’étage climatique méso-méditerranéen (ni trop chaud, ni trop froid) qui accueille, grâce à la disparition des feuilles du chêne pubescent qui laisse pénétrer la lumière dans le sous bois, un cortège de plantes associées caractéristiques.

Lorsque des végétaux génèrent les conditions d’accueil favorables aux autres végétaux (disponibilité de la lumière, structure du sol…), on parle de sociabilité végétale.

Viorne tin ou Laurier tin – Viburnum tinus


Viorne-tin Viburnum tinus, Nerprun alaterne Rhamnus alaternus, Filaire à feuilles étroites Phillyrea angustifolia, Salspareille d’Europe Smilax aspera et Pin d’Alep Pinus halepensis… Des plantes que nous avons retrouvé lors de l’inventaire de la forêt (voir carte site) auquel se sont jointes des plantes plus thermophiles, qui aiment la chaleur.

Nous avons observé au cœur de la forêt, des jeunes chênes mélangés a des arbres plus anciens, leur nombre du centre vers la périphérie.  Lorsque le chêne se desserre, le Pin d’Alep apparaît. 

Ces deux arbres cohabitent facilement, car leurs stratégies démographiques sont très différentes et se complètes : le chêne a une croissance lente, il fleurit vers 20 ans et à une vie de 500 ans et plus. Le Pin, a une croissance rapide et vit environ 100 ans.  A proximité de la Forêt, une zone incendiée laisse apparaitre carcasse de voiture et squelettes d’arbres calcinés. Une question se pose alors à nous, le pin halep, très inflammable, peut-il mettre la forêt en danger ?

écailles de Ceterach officinal


Des Iris naturalisés, de l’Immortelle d’Italie …peuplent le rocher. Et même une très belle fougère, le Cétérach officinal (Asplenium ceterach), dont la face inférieure est couverte d’écailles argentées qui participent à une adaptation poussée à la sècheresse. Par temps sec ses feuilles s’enroulent pour ne présenter que les écailles qui font barrière à l’évapotranspiration.

grotte de Foresta, en haut de la forêt

On a aussi découvert une petite grotte tout en haut du site, une belle surprise pour les petits explorateurs botanistes…

Les explorations botaniques de Foresta continuent : https://www.hoteldunord.coop/balades-prog/ et http://parcforesta.org

ForestA botanical exploration-story # 1, the oak forest

marcescing leaves of white oak

Begun in 2016, the botanical explorations are walks that invite to make together the inventory of the flora of ForestA, vast space around the great letters of Marseille. The botanical explorations are a proposal of the collective Safi and Espigaou within the framework of ForestA, a project carried by Yes we camp in collaboration with Hotel du Nord.

The small forest that has resisted the Foresta has been of interest to us for a long time…


Climbing a little in the Hill, under the Pink House, a forest of pubescent Oaks hides among the pines of Aleppo. They are perhaps fifty years old or more, they are relatively rare trees in Marseille, because the pubescent oak usually develops on rich, deep and fresh soils, which is not really the case of this former quarry of clay that is ForestA.

So how did these trees get there? What are they telling us? What flora do they host? Is the forest evolving, stable or declining? This is the subject of this exploration on February 9, 2019, the first of the year.

the ancient forest of ForestA


ForestA has been modelled by the activities that have crossed him: State forest, clay quarry of the Tuileries, area of embankment of Grand Littoral… Despite all these transformations, the oak forest is visible on all the archival images of GeoPortal since the ciqnant years. A persistence may be due to his situation.

Little accessible and difficult to see from the road, it is located at the level of a huge Boulder and stretches along a steep slope. It thus collects rainwater and may benefit from the groundwater of ForestA. This is certainly what has favoured the installation of these Oaks which, although Mediterranean, like freshness.


Quercus pubescens means oak with short and soft hairs, in reference to the inner face of leaves and young twigs. These hairs trap the dew and maintain a humid environment. Its range is quite extensive. Moving north, it can be subjected to negative temperatures that would freeze the water of its cells, also this oak also has a strategy to adapt to the cold: in autumn, its leaves dry on the tree, and will fall to the ground only to regrowth of the following, they say they are marcescing.

However, losing its leaves is not a common strategy in the Mediterranean. Think of the pine, the olive tree, the green oak, its neighbors here, who keep their leaves all winter. As winter temperatures are not very intense, they do not freeze. For these trees, it is therefore preferable to keep their leaves protected with hairs or a layer of wax, rather than to incur an energy expenditure in the spring to make new ones.

Narrow-leaved wire


The carpet of leaves at our feet is home to many insects and fungi mycelia. They participate in transforming this litter into rich and fertile humus. A handful of land taken from the road is without a call on the work done by these organisms. taken from the slopes, the Earth is red ochre when the one at the foot of the Oaks is dark brown.

Acorns, pubescent oak fruits, attract and feed many animals including the oak Jays, which by their hoarding behavior contribute very actively to the spread of acorns.

In our forest, the pubescent Oaks are associated with Green Oaks. When they are together, these two trees indicate the meso-Mediterranean climatic stage (neither too hot nor too cold) which welcomes, thanks to the disappearance of the leaves of the pubescent oak which lets penetrate the light in the undergrowth, a procession of plants associated characteristics.

When plants generate favourable reception conditions for other plants (availability of light, soil structure…), it is referred to as vegetal sociability.

Viburnum Tin or Laurier Tin-Tinus


Viorne-Tin Viburnum Tinus, nerprun alaternus Rhamnus alaternus, narrow-leaved corded Phillyrea angustifolia, European salsaparilla smilax ASPERA and Aleppo Pine Pinus halepensis… Plants that we found in the forest inventory (see map site) which have joined more thermophilic plants, which love the heat.

We observed in the heart of the forest, young Oaks mixed with older trees, their number from the Center to the periphery.  When the oak loories, the Aleppo Pine appears. 

These two trees are easily cohabiting, because their demographic strategies are very different and complete: the oak has a slow growth, it blooms around 20 years and a life of 500 years and more. The pine, has a fast growth and lives about 100 years.  In the vicinity of the forest, a burned-out area reveals a car carcass and skeletons of calcined trees. One question then arises to us, the pine Halep, very flammable, can it endanger the forest?

ceterach compendial scales


Naturalised IRIS, from the Immortelle of Italy… populate the rock. And even a very beautiful fern, the ceterach compendial (Asplenium ceterach), whose underside is covered with silver scales that participate in a thorough adaptation to drought. In dry weather its leaves curl to present only the scales that are barrier to evapotranspiration.

ForestA cave, at the top of the forest

We also discovered a small cave at the top of the site, a nice surprise for the little explorers botanists…

ForestA's Botanical explorations continue: https://www.hoteldunord.coop/balades-prog/and http://parcforesta.org

ForestA botanical exploration-story # 1, the oak forest

marcescing leaves of white oak

Begun in 2016, the botanical explorations are walks that invite to make together the inventory of the flora of ForestA, vast space around the great letters of Marseille. The botanical explorations are a proposal of the collective Safi and Espigaou within the framework of ForestA, a project carried by Yes we camp in collaboration with Hotel du Nord.

The small forest that has resisted the Foresta has been of interest to us for a long time…


Climbing a little in the Hill, under the Pink House, a forest of pubescent Oaks hides among the pines of Aleppo. They are perhaps fifty years old or more, they are relatively rare trees in Marseille, because the pubescent oak usually develops on rich, deep and fresh soils, which is not really the case of this former quarry of clay that is ForestA.

So how did these trees get there? What are they telling us? What flora do they host? Is the forest evolving, stable or declining? This is the subject of this exploration on February 9, 2019, the first of the year.

the ancient forest of ForestA


ForestA has been modelled by the activities that have crossed him: State forest, clay quarry of the Tuileries, area of embankment of Grand Littoral… Despite all these transformations, the oak forest is visible on all the archival images of GeoPortal since the ciqnant years. A persistence may be due to his situation.

Little accessible and difficult to see from the road, it is located at the level of a huge Boulder and stretches along a steep slope. It thus collects rainwater and may benefit from the groundwater of ForestA. This is certainly what has favoured the installation of these Oaks which, although Mediterranean, like freshness.


Quercus pubescens means oak with short and soft hairs, in reference to the inner face of leaves and young twigs. These hairs trap the dew and maintain a humid environment. Its range is quite extensive. Moving north, it can be subjected to negative temperatures that would freeze the water of its cells, also this oak also has a strategy to adapt to the cold: in autumn, its leaves dry on the tree, and will fall to the ground only to regrowth of the following, they say they are marcescing.

However, losing its leaves is not a common strategy in the Mediterranean. Think of the pine, the olive tree, the green oak, its neighbors here, who keep their leaves all winter. As winter temperatures are not very intense, they do not freeze. For these trees, it is therefore preferable to keep their leaves protected with hairs or a layer of wax, rather than to incur an energy expenditure in the spring to make new ones.

Narrow-leaved wire


The carpet of leaves at our feet is home to many insects and fungi mycelia. They participate in transforming this litter into rich and fertile humus. A handful of land taken from the road is without a call on the work done by these organisms. taken from the slopes, the Earth is red ochre when the one at the foot of the Oaks is dark brown.

Acorns, pubescent oak fruits, attract and feed many animals including the oak Jays, which by their hoarding behavior contribute very actively to the spread of acorns.

In our forest, the pubescent Oaks are associated with Green Oaks. When they are together, these two trees indicate the meso-Mediterranean climatic stage (neither too hot nor too cold) which welcomes, thanks to the disappearance of the leaves of the pubescent oak which lets penetrate the light in the undergrowth, a procession of plants associated characteristics.

When plants generate favourable reception conditions for other plants (availability of light, soil structure…), it is referred to as vegetal sociability.

Viburnum Tin or Laurier Tin-Tinus


Viorne-Tin Viburnum Tinus, nerprun alaternus Rhamnus alaternus, narrow-leaved corded Phillyrea angustifolia, European salsaparilla smilax ASPERA and Aleppo Pine Pinus halepensis… Plants that we found in the forest inventory (see map site) which have joined more thermophilic plants, which love the heat.

We observed in the heart of the forest, young Oaks mixed with older trees, their number from the Center to the periphery.  When the oak loories, the Aleppo Pine appears. 

These two trees are easily cohabiting, because their demographic strategies are very different and complete: the oak has a slow growth, it blooms around 20 years and a life of 500 years and more. The pine, has a fast growth and lives about 100 years.  In the vicinity of the forest, a burned-out area reveals a car carcass and skeletons of calcined trees. One question then arises to us, the pine Halep, very flammable, can it endanger the forest?

ceterach compendial scales


Naturalised IRIS, from the Immortelle of Italy… populate the rock. And even a very beautiful fern, the ceterach compendial (Asplenium ceterach), whose underside is covered with silver scales that participate in a thorough adaptation to drought. In dry weather its leaves curl to present only the scales that are barrier to evapotranspiration.

ForestA cave, at the top of the forest

We also discovered a small cave at the top of the site, a nice surprise for the little explorers botanists…

ForestA's Botanical explorations continue: https://www.hoteldunord.coop/balades-prog/and http://parcforesta.org

Foresta ça redémarre !



Depuis bientôt deux ans s’invente pas à pas et les mains dans la terre le possible devenir des terrains en friche à proximité de Grand Littoral.

Après l’installation des réseaux (eau et électricité) cet été, une série de rendez-vous vous invite à la fois à explorer, comprendre et produire.


Du lundi 27 au mercredi 29 août (complet)

Workshop Canissos, [atelier de construction tressage de cannes de Provence]


Dimanche 2 septembre à 14h30

1001 nuits : au pied des lettres [Balade + manifestation culturelle] sur inscription


Samedi 15 septembre à 14h30

Balade Herbier #1 : Exploration botanique de la pente [Balade]  sur inscription


Samedi 29 septembre à

Balade Biodiversité #1 : Les fondamentaux [Balade] sur inscription


Samedi 13 octobre à

Conférences marchées #1 : [Balade avec un invité] sur inscription


Dimanche 14 octobre à 10h30

Circulation écologique #1 : Du massif de la Nerthe au ruisseau des Aygalades [Balade]


Mercredi 24 octobre

Balade herbier #2 : Exploration botanique [Balade] sur inscription


Mercredi 14 novembre à 14h

Balade herbier #3 : Exploration botanique [Balade] sur inscription


Samedi 24 novembre à

Balade Biodiversité #2 : Les fondamentaux [Balade] sur inscription


Samedi 8 décembre à

Conférences marchées #2 : [Balade avec un invité]


Samedi 15 décembre à 14h

Balade herbier #4 : Exploration botanique [Balade] sur inscription