Tale toxic Tour #2 (from Freygières to Fabregoules)

On February 12th, we met in Septèmes for the second exploration trip in search of the lost source of the Caravelle/Aygalades Creek and the history of the industrial hills…

We begin our walk by meeting Mr Magro, elected from Septêmes and living in the District of old Caillols where we find ourselves. It reminds us of the stakes of Caravelle: not to consider the watercourse as a storm network and genuinely manage it as a coastal river, to end the industrial discharges that upset the ecology, restore the rypisilve, regain a flow water adapted to the life of a Mediterranean River. For this a few tools: PLUI (for urban planning), the PPRI (for floods and therefore hydrography), the Bay contract (for knowledge) and also the change in water skills (Gemapi) that should compel the public authorities to interested in the River (for management).

And our mobilization…

So Avanti!

But before going to occupy the top of the star to broadcast our messages on television:), we decide to spend at Eric understand how the goats participate in the management of these hills.

Eric took over the activity of goat farm in 2014, transmitted by Guy, who still lives there in the Maisonette. It’s a nice story because Eric, a resident of the Aygalades who discovered his vocation as a cheese maker and then Chevrier, really lived this adventure (from a professional reconversion) as a meeting (with guy and goats) and as a find with the walks he was doing precisely in those little hills with his parents

Today with the help of the commune he modernized the chèvrerie, while living with the memories and know-how of guy who lives on the site and sculpts in the places (look for the OWL…).

Eric explains the AOC recently acquired by the Rove Bush and also with Yves who takes care of the communal Volunteer Committee of fires and forests, the place of goats in the management of fire risk.

This year for the first time you can as a resident ask to welcome some of his goats to brush up your land!

The chèvrerie is located in a former limestone quarry with a few vestiges.

We join the forest, direction Lafarge…

The establishment of Lafarge (factory of the Malle) consists of both a quarry and a cement plant, installed since 1958. it is in this valley of Fabregoules that the springs converge to become the source of the Brook Caravell
e/Aygalades. we’ll try to find the water, but enjoy on the way the remnants of old water management systems, and a spectacular panorama…

And here is the Lake, the spring, the basin,… The
water… at last… The retention of water exerted by the quarry excavation is not entirely responsible for the lack of flow of the Brook (there are also the waters possibly captured by the Gallery of the sea, and also the disturbances of the watershed by the urbanization, and also rainfall…) but it is still a crucial factor on which one must be able to Act (invite Larfarge to put water in the bed from a consultation on the ecological needs of the Brook).

Convinced of our “mission” we finish to explore the water circuits and convince us of his close return, using our new handheld technologies…

The ride ends in Adventure mode, we no longer leave the bed of the Brook…

And to finish in color, a meeting with this little mushroom that accompanied us throughout this aqueous and forest exploration: the Scarlet pezize… It is one of the saprophytic organisms, which can live in air, water or soil without directly relying on a living being. Very fl
ashy, and stoking curiosity, living in the detour of this strange story of Brook of which sometimes one doubts the existence, of these landscapes that one suspects sometimes to be more dead than alive, it appeared as a good mascot for a toxic to
ur! Enjoy…

Next toxic tour exploration on Thursday, April 4, with also the collective observation of a first release of water in the Brook concerted with Lafarge.

Abonnez-vous à nos actualités

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