HdN engages, shares and innovates with H2H

On Wednesday, May 18, North Hotel will defend its candidacy of H2H shortlisted for the call for Project France is committed. The 30 projects selected by the selection committee will then be submitted to the vote of the Internet users and then to the choice of the President of the Republic. Thursday, May 19, on the occasion of the Ouishare Fest in Paris, the international community of sharing, H2H will exchange on its cooperative experience in the Workshop Platform co-operatives and Beyond: The Future of Collaborative governance?  Friday, May 20, 2016, the Coopérative H2H will be present at the 9th Rendez-UNAT as winner of the 7th edition of the Innovation Forum on the theme "Digital practices in the service of men and territories". Logo Logo-Lafrancesengage-final   logo_rdv2016

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