Odile Richard: The station of the ESTA, a model of inscription in the title of historical monuments initiated by an association of volunteers.

The station consists of a passenger building built in 1851, on the PLM line (Paris-Lyon-Méditerranée) as well as a set of "Art Deco" style annexes with underpass built around 1925. This station is also the starting point of the so-called Blue Coast Line towards the Port of Bouc and Miramas. In the Face of the deterioration of the buildings, the architectural interest of the ensemble and the past and present role of this station, the association "Action Environnement ESTA" (EEA) since 2008 collection of documentation on the station. This research work with various organizations, archives, libraries, journals and individuals continues. Since 2009 the station of the Estae is the central patrimonial element of discoveries, focused on industries, workers ' and bourgeois housing, painters, fishing, viaducts, tunnels, organised by the EEA, within the framework of the European days of Heritage. The association formed a preliminary file attached to its application for protection with the DRAC (Regional Directorate for Cultural Affairs), which found it timely at the end of 2011. This request was relayed in the Heritage Committee chaired by the elected to the Culture of the District Council, Pascale Raju who had organized an in situ visit with the Drac. The document Manager DRAC/CRMH wrote and presented the application for protection before the CRPS meeting in the plenary Committee in July 2012, the regional Heritage and Sites Commission (C.R.P.S.), which brings together representatives of The administration, local elected officials, professionals and art historians has issued a favorable opinion the registration order of the station of the estat in respect of the historical Monuments was signed at the end of 2012. The registration or filing procedure The application may be made by an individual, an association, a local community, etc. This request must be supplemented by a dossier containing an administrative component (cadastre, owner..), a historical and descriptive component (Photos plans, archives…) for an assessment of the building. It is submitted to a commission (CRPS) which decides whether to continue the proceedings. Then the services of the DRAC are responsible for the constitution of the file and seek the opinion of the chief architect of the historical monuments, the architect of the buildings of France, the regional curator of the historical monuments. The dossier is submitted to the opinion of the CRPS, this notice is submitted to the prefect of region who takes, if necessary the registration order or transmits the file to the Ministry of Culture for a classification. The protection of historic Monuments, classification or inscription, constitutes an easement following the building and generates a perimeter of visibility of 500m within which any project of construction or alteration of the environment or the building Must be the subject of an opinion of the architect of the buildings of France. In some cases financial assistance can be obtained from the state and a tax exemption is possible for the owner. The association "Action Environnement ESTA" will present, in situ, the station of the Estae within the framework of the European heritage Forum which will be held on 12 and 13 September 2013 at the departmental Archives Gaston Deferre in Marseille. Editorial: Odile RICHARD – Association "Action Environnement esta"

  • Heritage Days 2012: The Estae, an exceptional industrial site

The ESTA, an exceptional industrial site... Di Journeesdupatrimoine

  • LCM 2011: We must save the station from the ESTA!

We have to save the station! (Marseille) di LCM

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