Prosper Wanner: Letter to the attention of Benoit Hamon, Minister delegate in charge of the social and solidarity economy and consumption

Benoit Hamon, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy and Finance, responsible for the social and Solidarity Economy and Consumer Affairs [/caption] minister, we will contact you in your dual capacity as Minister of social Economy and Solidarity and the Minister of Consumer Affairs. Located in the northern suburbs of Marseille, "Hôtel du Nord" is a cooperative created by residents of these districts. It puts in direct contact with tourists and their hosts, inhabitants who make discover their city and their neighbourhood beyond the clichés conveyed, promoting an economy in the interest of those who live, work and live in these neighborhoods. Today, about 50 guests offer guest rooms, urban walks, local works and productions. This offer of cooperative nature has been increasingly successful, particularly with the year Marseille-Provence 2013 European Capital of Culture. Marseille-Provence 2013, the Fondation de France and the local authorities are co-producing this cooperative venture, not forgetting the many supporters of artists, designers, scientists, tourism professionals and inhabitants who benefit The Co-op. The cooperative is advised and recognized by the operators of the tourism and has in-house the professional skills necessary for its activity. Created in 2011, it continues its development and groups of hikers, travel agencies and business committees solicit it for Group offers. Today, the future of the cooperative is threatened by a problem of regulatory interpretation on the articulation between its legal form in co-operative and the nature of its activity. Advantage France, consulted by our insurer Macif, replied that in order to guarantee the safety of consumers, the cooperative had to go through a travel agency or register as a travel agency. Asset France does not take into account the specific co-operatives. It considers the cooperative's members to be mere subcontractors and not co-producers. It makes the cooperative dependent on travel agencies and refuses to recognise its status as a partnership by considering that only the manager as a natural person must be qualified (obligation of registration travel agency). The question you are asked is whether when a cooperative sells the benefits of its members, it is itself a producer, and therefore, in our case, not subject to this obligation that we would like to impose Trump France (article Art. L. 211-3 of the tourism Code). Asset France depends on your ministry like that of the Ministry of Finance that we had asked about it a year ago and who after we have responded favourably, has returned to its decision, for lack of knowledge of the specific cooperatives (we were Advised to make jurisprudence on the subject). Of your department's arbitration depends on the future of our Co-op. We invite you to visit our website, to come and enjoy our hospitality and we would be happy to welcome you at the European Forum which we co-organise on 12 and 13 September 2013 where Marseille-Provence invites Europe Around the Council of Europe framework Convention on the value of cultural heritage for society. For the Co-op "Hotel du Nord" Prosper Wanner, manager.

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